Semester 1
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
COMM10272 Communication in the Workplace 4.00 56.00
COMP10142 Trends in Technology 3.00 42.00
CRED10084 Pathways to Success 4.00 56.00
CRED10085 Career Exploration 3.00 42.00
MATH10080 Math for Life 3.00 42.00
PERS10022 Personal Wellness 3.00 42.00
Semester 2
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
CRED10086 Career Planning 4.00 56.00
SSCI10050 Workplace Culture 3.00 42.00
WORK10102 Employment Exploration 10.00 70.00
Options Group(1): Select 1
MATH10063 College Prep Math 3.00 42.00
PERS10030 Global Wellness 3.00 42.00
Options Group(2): Select 1
COMM10292 College Prep Communications 4.00 56.00
COMM10334 Communication for Life 4.00 56.00