Semester 1
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
COMM11000 Essential Communication Skills 4.00 56.00
GAME10000 Game Design Fundamentals 3.00 42.00
GAME10001 Game History 3.00 42.00
GAME10002 Design Thinking Foundations 4.00 56.00
GAME10003 Game Development Foundations 4.00 56.00
GAME10004 Game Asset Development: 2D GFX 4.00 56.00
GAME10005 Ethics in Game Design 3.00 42.00
Semester 2
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
GAME10006 Play Design Foundations 3.00 42.00
GAME10007 Interactive Story Development 3.00 42.00
GAME10008 Games User Research Design 3.00 42.00
GAME10009 Applications of Game Engines 4.00 56.00
GAME10010 Game Asset Development: 3D GFX 4.00 56.00
GAME10011 Prototyping Foundations 4.00 56.00
GAME10030 Futurist Thinking 3.00 42.00
Semester 3
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
GAME10012 Introduction to Level Design 3.00 42.00
GAME10013 User Experience Design 3.00 42.00
GAME10014 Cinematography Programming 4.00 56.00
GAME10015 Game Asset Development: Audio 4.00 56.00
GAME10016 Digital Prototype Development 4.00 56.00
GAME10029 Career Development Mentorship 3.00 21.00
OPELXXXXX General Education Elective 1 3.00 42.00
Semester 4
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
GAME10017 Game System Design 3.00 42.00
GAME10018 Applications of Level Design 3.00 42.00
GAME10019 Psychology for Game Design 3.00 42.00
GAME10020 Game Systems Development 4.00 56.00
GAME10021 Game Asset Development: VFX 4.00 56.00
GAME10022 Applied Design and Development 6.00 84.00
Semester 5
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
GAME10023 Game Economies 3.00 42.00
GAME10024 Capstone 1 9.00 126.00
GAME10025 The Business of Games 3.00 42.00
OPELXXXXZ General Education Elective 2 3.00 42.00
Semester 6
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
GAME10026 Experiential Design 3.00 42.00
GAME10027 Capstone 2 9.00 126.00
GAME10028 Industry Portfolio Development 4.00 56.00