Semester 1
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
COMM11000 Essential Communication Skills 4.00 56.00
FINC10032 Financial Foundations 4.00 56.00
INFO10206 Digital Communications 3.00 42.00
INFO10276 Document Creation and Editing 2.00 28.00
INFO10277 Fundamentals of Word 3.00 42.00
KEYB10008 Keyboarding 2.00 28.00
OADM10019 Professional Administrative Skills 4.00 56.00
Semester 2
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
HRESCB172 Human Relations 3.00 42.00
INFO10207 Managing Electronic Data 4.00 56.00
INFO10208 Presentation Skills 4.00 56.00
INFO10209 Document Production 4.00 56.00
OPELXXXXX General Education Elective 1 3.00 42.00