Semester 1
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
CENG10000 Applied Programming 3.00 42.00
COMM11000 Essential Communication Skills 4.00 56.00
ELEC10088 Electrical Engineering Drafting & Design I 3.00 42.00
ELEC10099 Electricity 1 5.00 70.00
ELEC10196 Computer Systems and Networks 3.00 42.00
MATHMA179 Engineering Mathematics 1 4.00 56.00
Semester 2
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
ELEC10126 Programmable Logic Controllers 3.00 42.00
ELEC10137 AC Electricity 5.00 70.00
ELEC10197 Computer Network Fundamentals 4.00 56.00
ELEC10198 Engineering Skills and Systems 4.00 56.00
ELEC10199 Fundamentals of Digital Circuits 4.00 56.00
MATH10021 Engineering Mathematics 2 3.00 42.00
Semester 3
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
CENG10003 Programming 3.00 42.00
CENG10005 Mechanical Components and Machine Elements 4.00 56.00
CENG10006 Advanced Networks 3.00 42.00
CENG10033 PLC Block Programming 3.00 42.00
ELEC10148 Electronic Devices and Circuits 6.00 84.00
MATH10014 Engineering Mathematics 3 3.00 42.00
OPELXXXXX General Education Elective 1 3.00 42.00
Semester 4
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
CENG10009 Web Applications 3.00 42.00
CENG10010 Motor Drives and Control 3.00 42.00
CENG10012 Advanced Server 3.00 42.00
CENG10029 PLC 3: Graph and Sequential Programming 3.00 42.00
CENG10034 Microcontroller Applications 3.00 42.00
ELEC10203 Introduction to Instrumentation and Process Control 3.00 42.00
MGMT10114 Engineering Project Management 3.00 42.00
OPELXXXXZ General Education Elective 2 3.00 42.00
Semester 5
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
CENG10004 Programmable Logic 3.00 42.00
CENG10014 Smart Sensor Technology 3.00 42.00
CENG10015 Introduction to Robotics 4.00 56.00
CENG10016 Human Machine Interface 3.00 42.00
CENG10017 JAVA Embedded Applications 3.00 42.00
CENG10018 Automated Manufacturing 4.00 56.00
Options Group(1): Select 1
CENG10032 Computer Engineering Technology Applications 3.00 42.00
ELEC10179 Electrical Applied Research 1 3.00 42.00
Semester 6
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
CENG10020 Advanced Robotics 4.00 56.00
CENG10021 Mobile Enabled Devices 3.00 42.00
CENG10030 Industrial Communications 3.00 42.00
CENG10031 Industrial Networking 3.00 42.00
CENG10036 Applied Digital Processing 3.00 42.00
CENG10037 Artificial Intelligence 3.00 42.00
Options Group(1): Select 1
ELEC10145 Electrical Capstone 3.00 42.00
ELEC10153 Electrical Applied Research 2 3.00 42.00
Semester XX
Options (For co-op program):
WORK10029 Work Exp 4 (Cmptr Techy) 35.00
WORKEE991 Work Experience 1 35.00
WORKEE992 Work Experience 2 35.00
WORKEE993 Work Experience 3 35.00