Semester 1
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
COMM11000 Essential Communication Skills 4.00 56.00
MUSC10039 Music Technology 1 2.00 28.00
MUSC10115 Ensemble 1 2.00 24.00
MUSC10134 Ear Training & Keyboard Skills 1 3.00 42.00
MUSC10135 Improvisation, Reading & Listening Skills 2.00 28.00
MUSC10136 Harmony 2.00 28.00
MUSC10137 Music and Wellness 2.00 28.00
MUSC10139 Principal Instrument 1 1.75 21.00
Semester 2
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
MUSC10046 Music Technology 2 2.00 28.00
MUSC10051 Tonal Harmony 2 2.00 28.00
MUSC10063 Contemporary Harmony 2 2.00 28.00
MUSC10116 Ensemble 2 2.00 24.00
MUSC10138 History of Music and Society 3.00 42.00
MUSC10140 Ear Training & Keyboard Skills 2 3.00 42.00
MUSC10141 Principal Instrument 2 1.75 21.00
MUSC10168 Improvisation, Reading and Listening Skills 2 2.00 28.00
Semester 3
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
MUSC10104 Music Business and Careers 2.00 28.00
MUSC10117 Ensemble 3 2.00 24.00
MUSC10142 Principal Instrument 3 1.75 21.00
MUSC10143 Ear Training & Sight Reading 3 3.00 42.00
MUSC10144 Music Pedagogy 2.00 28.00
MUSCMU164 Counterpoint 1 2.00 28.00
OPELXXXXX General Education Elective 1 3.00 42.00
Options Group(1): Select 1
MUSC10145 Contemporary Harmony & Improvisation 3 4.00 56.00
MUSC10146 Tonal Harmony 3 and Form and Analysis 4.00 56.00
MUSC10147 Contemporary and Tonal Harmony 3 4.00 56.00
Semester 4
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
MUSC10089 Music Internship 1 2.00 28.00
MUSC10118 Ensemble 4 2.00 24.00
MUSC10148 Ear Training & Sight Reading 4 3.00 42.00
MUSC10149 Principal Instrument 4 1.75 21.00
MUSC10150 Conducting and Score Analysis 2.00 28.00
MUSCMU264 Counterpoint 2 2.00 28.00
OPELXXXXZ General Education Elective 2 3.00 42.00
Options Group(1): Select 1
MUSC10151 Contemporary Harmony & Improvisation 4 4.00 56.00
MUSC10152 Tonal Harmony 4 and Form & Analysis 4.00 56.00
MUSC10153 Contemporary and Tonal Harmony 4 4.00 56.00
Semester 5
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
MUSC10096 Music Internship 2 2.00 28.00
MUSC10119 Ensemble 5 2.00 24.00
MUSC10154 Principal Instrument 5 1.00 12.00
MUSC10155 Performance and Recital Preparation 1 2.00 28.00
MUSC10156 Critical Perspectives on Music 3.00 42.00
MUSC10157 Ear Training 5 2.00 28.00
MUSCMU185 Arranging 1 2.00 28.00
OPELXXXXY General Education Elective 3 3.00 42.00
Options Group(1): Select 2
MUSC10110 World Music & Rhythms 1 2.00 28.00
MUSC10158 Advanced Jazz Harmony and Improvisation 1 2.00 28.00
MUSC10159 Songwriting and Commercial Music 1 2.00 28.00
MUSCMU186 Composition 1(Option) 2.00 28.00
Semester 6
Course #
Course Title
Hrs/Week Total Hours
MUSC10108 Music Entrepreneurship and Portfolio Development 2.00 28.00
MUSC10120 Ensemble 6 2.00 24.00
MUSC10160 Principal Instrument 6 1.00 12.00
MUSC10161 Performance and Recital Preparation 2 2.00 28.00
MUSC10162 Performance Lab 2.00 28.00
MUSC10163 Ear Training 6 2.00 28.00
MUSC10164 Recording and Music Production 2.00 28.00
Options Group(1): Select 2
MUSC10111 World Music and Rhythms 2 2.00 28.00
MUSC10165 Advanced Jazz Harmony and Improvisation 2 2.00 28.00
MUSC10166 Songwriting and Commercial Music 2 2.00 28.00
MUSC10169 Composing for Film and Media 2.00 28.00